The Gunther Cox Digital Museum


Graffiti, whether it be framed as art, billboarding, or vandalism, is enough of a challenge to the statuesque to warrant its own distinct category. While modern impressions of the term may bring to mind murals of spray painted text, the concept itself can be long traced back through the roots of human history. Amongst artifacts from the ancient world we can find traces of names, "tags", gossip, and political messages, all which tie and tether the raw, pure reality a human experience to the spinning globe of the world and the eternal ebb of time.

This collection of exhibits is captures a range of graffiti from various areas across the United States. Each piece is unique, some are rough while others are more refined, and many are composites created layer by layer from numerous people tagging the same spot over time.

1: Railcar and Train Track

Tethered to the liminal, names and tags are scrawled across the sides of trains and rusty rail cars. Here graffiti finds itself a testament to the transient nature of trains, and a reminder of the lives that surround them: the people who ride, and the places they pass through.

Graffiti on train
Graffiti by train tracks
Graffiti by train tracks